Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Time to Live Life the way God has Intended

God has blessed me with so many things and now is the time to stop taking them for granted. I cannot do anything on my own, but I can do it with God’s help!!!! He wants to help me live longer and healthier. It’s time to get it done!!!!! I am ready to lose some weight, lots of weight. This is a good way to do it, post it on my blog.
I have realized lately just how my weight has affected my life, not just physically, but other ways. I am not the most outgoing person, but I know my weight is holding me back. I am VERY self-conscious. It makes it hard to be myself when I constantly worrying about what I look like. My clothes don’t fit the way I want them to, I love clothes, but tend to wear baggy ones. Funny thing about that they aren’t as baggy as I want them to be and I refuse to go up a size.
I have never been a very active person. Now It’s time to become one, God isn’t going to change my personality, but He can give me the support I need to make the changes. I have to literally get up out of my comfort zone (my chair) and do something for myself.
So it began yesterday!!!! I have begun to change my lifestyle. My goal is long term: I want to be healthy, and active. I will change how we all eat and make sure that we are all active.

1. I will walk for at least 30 minutes a day; I want to do this outside, by myself, every
2. I will change how and what I eat; I will no longer justify what I am eating.
3. I will remember that it is God’s will that I am health, happy and loved.

So come back as often as you want and check out my progress. I will post pictures, how much I am walking, what I am eating and my weight loss.


  1. I'll be praying for you!! I am in the same boat! One thing that I have learned, for me, is to first think of ADDING to my diet. Like, adding lots of water. We have been filling up old milk jugs and keeping them in the fridge! So, I am drinking lots of water. Which is tricking me into not eating or drinking other things as much! I am too much of a rule breaker, so if I say no to something...I want it more. So, I have to trick myself by adding things! lol
    I did buy whole grain pastas, breads, etc too..
    I really will be praying for you, pray for me too!
    In HIS love

  2. I could have wrote this post, Dana. After this week, and seeing my mom go through by-pass a SECOND time, I realized that will be me one day. Talk about a reality check.
