Friday, January 1, 2010

My Word of the Year~~RELAX

The word of the year is.....RELAX!!! Oh, I so need to do that ALL THE TIME. I can get so overwhelmed with whatever I am involved in that I don't enjoy anything. When I add something new to my life I can become consumed by it and forget about what is most important. I did this when with every new baby, when I started to homeschool, when I became a teacher at the co-op, and then again when I became the co-op director. It seems as if I get so worked up with doing things perfectly that I will obsess over them and forget that I am suppose to be RELAXING!!!!

It is ok to obsess a little when you have a new baby, but when you are supposed to be homeschooling too you can't quit that. Of course that isn't possible of happening again. THANK GOD!!!! So when we started homeschooling I became obsessed with curriculum, our school room, and making it like "real school" to the point that the actual part of learning was lost. We have recovered and we now have homeschool fun instead of "real school" boredom. Then we started the co-op, I was teaching a class on American Government and I became obsessed with how I was doing. This led to me not working as hard as I should have been here at home for MY kids!!! I want to do right by the families who put their children in my classes, but come on I am teaching my own kids EVERYTHING. They disserve my 100%. Now the biggest area where I don't RELAX is the co-op director thing. Our school here at home has really taken a back seat to the co-op and that isn't fair!!!
So for this NEW YEAR I am going to make sure that my kids and their "home"school come first. So I have decided to RELAX, I have wonderful people who help me lead the co-op and they are willing to help as much as possible. It doesn't all have to be done by me!!! In years to come no one will care how the co-op turned out, but how my children turn out will be the most important thing.

"I, Jude, am a slave to Jesus Christ and brother to James, writing to those loved by God the Father, called and kept safe by Jesus Christ. Relax, everything's going to be all right; rest, everything's coming together; open your hearts, love is on the way!"   Jude 1:1-3

"Give in to God, come to terms with him and everything will turn out just fine. Let him tell you what to do; take his words to heart. Come back to God Almighty and he'll rebuild your life. Clean house of everything evil. Relax your grip on your money and abandon your gold-plated luxury. God Almighty will be your treasure, more wealth than you can imagine.   Job 22:20-22

So remember RELAX, breathe, and pray!!!!!!

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