Monday, April 1, 2013

A Journey Through Learning Review

Is school with your children getting boring?  Do you hear, "Mom I am bored," way to much through your day?  If you answered yes, you need to check out lapbooks. Lapbooking is like educational scrap booking  any subject your child is interested in.  I have always loved lap books, but here lately I have gotten caught up in books, so using lapbooks wasn't even on my radar, but thanks to A Journey Through Learning I'm back in the swing of things!!!  We received The Earth, Knights and Castles, Astronomy,  Letters, Numbers and Shapes.  Two of my boys worked on The Earth (grades 1-4) and we also worked on the Knights and Castles (grades 2-7) lapbooks.  What fun!!!

The Earth is $13.00/ instant download and $21/printable. 
Castles and Knights is $13.00/instant download, $14.00/CD, and $21.00/pintable. 
The rundown on how lapbooks from A Journey Through Learning work.  

  • Go to A Journey Through Learning and pick out the lapbook you want to do and purchase the instant downloadable version or  a printable one, some titles even have CDs.
  •  Once you have your materials you will want to look through and get your file folders folded.  It usually takes two to three file folders to do each lapbook.  On the AJTL website you can watch videos on how to fold them. 
  • You will then need to print out the minibooks and study guide pages.  AJTL lapbooks are organized so well that you don't have to look around to find what you need.  The study guide information is right where you need it, before the  minibooks that goes along with it.  
  • You will then read to your children the study guide information so your child can then write the information into the minibook and glue it into their filefolder lapbook.  
  • You can use other books or materials to enhance the lessons, but AJTL has all the information you need to do the whole lapbook.  
I used the Earth lapbook with my 1st grader and 4th grader.  We did the lapbook four days a week, doing a couple minibooks per day.  It only took us a couple weeks to cover the whole lapbook.  We did use a couple books we had here at home to look through and get a little more information.  We also used the iPad to look up anything they wanted to see in more detail.  My 1st grader thought there was too much writing, but my 4th grader didn't have any trouble.  We have started working on the Castle lapbook now and it is a lot more in depth for my 1st grader.  He is able to work along with a little help from me.  I am excited to work through it and make our own shields.  I love lapbooking and it is a lot of fun, especially when everything you need is in the lapbook material.  They are a great way to teach something and make it fun without taking up a lot of time trying to get all the stuff together.  

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1 comment:

  1. We enjoyed our lapbooks too! Stopping by from the Crew!
